Monday, November 10, 2008

Got shoes? Got feet?

Note the subtitle of this blog, "A Journal of Discovery, Conviction...". I have always thought of "conviction" as a gift, albeit a painful one. I am soooo prone to straying off course and losing direction. Conviction brings correction and redirection, or at least the possibility of it. My choice.

Many years ago I heard the poetic line or proverb: “I complained because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.” As a very accomplished complainer, I was pierced. It so resonated with me that I quivered, and I never forgot it. I still quiver as I reflect upon it.

Particularly in Rwanda, where I am bombarded daily with real life “visuals” wherever I turn, including many people who have no legs,... some because of the genocide, some because of untreated diabetes and other sundry causes. There is no escaping the observation that life is incomprehensibly difficult for many, and so easy for others,… and yet there is no apparent correlation between life’s difficulties and joy, contentment, grace, complaining, etc.

I have befriended a young man here who has no legs. He sits and “beams” on the sidewalk in front of the Bank. Someday I may photograph him for his sake, so I can give him what will presumably be his only photograph of himself. Of course I cannot take his photo if my motive is to share it on this blog. But I can share that which triggered this blogpost. Suzy Sullivan recently sent this link to me, a “must watch”:

Let it fully download before playing. Notice that there are numerous other YouTube videos featuring the same amazing guy.