Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jack Hanna's Place; Golden Monkeys

The Crew and I recently drove up past Musanze to hang out at Jack Hanna's place. For those of you who cannot stay up for either Letterman or Leno (and perhaps presume that Johnny Carson is still alive and working), Jack Hanna is America's Favorite (celebrity) Zookeeper. (He taught Steve Irwin, the Crocidile Hunter, everything he knew about entertaining with animals.) Jack is a good friend of the von Trapps and Maggie Ritchie, and thus our ticket in. Jack built this wonderful retreat in his personal effort to enjoy, honor and preserve the endangered Mountain Gorillas. This trip, however, we went off to track down the rare Golden Monkeys.

The flowers in the foreground are fresh cut.

Bill & Melinda Gates Slept here (I presume, because their photo taken here is hanging on the wall).

Ask Norm Rosen for his Golden Monkey lecture. Too much interesting stuff for me to type.